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Joining Hands to Build a Global Community of Shared Future
2023-10-13 00:44

    Le 11 octobre 2023, S.E.M. l'Ambassadeur WANG Yingwu a publié un article intitulé "Joining Hands to Build a Global Community of Shared Future'' sur le nouveau livre blanc chinois intitulé « Une communauté mondiale d’avenir partagé : Propositions et actions de la Chine » dans le journal camerounais Cameroon Tribune. Voici le texte intégral : 

    This year marks the tenth anniversary of the vision of building a global community of shared future put forth by President Xi Jinping. Ten years ago, to answer the question raised by the world, by history, and by the times: “Where is humanity headed?”, President Xi Jinping propounded the idea of building a global community of shared future, pointing the right direction for the worldat a historical junctureandforging greater consensus for international cooperationat a time of changes and turbulence. Over the past decade, the idea of building a global community of shared future has spawned action and become a reality. It introduces a new approach for international relations, provides new insights into global governance, and draws a new blueprint for the development of the world.

    On 26 September, China released the white paper A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions. The white paperprofoundly and systemically elaborates the context,substances, pathway and real steps of building a community with a shared future. It helps the international community to gain a fuller understanding of the far-reaching significance of the visionand reinforce the global consensus and efforts to realize this vision.

    Building a global community of shared future provides the inexhaustible strength to reshapethe theories and practice on international relationship, which is in line with the trend of the times. The vision develops traditional theories of international relations,with a call for peace and development over conflicts and confrontation, common security over absolute security, mutual benefits over zero-sum game, exchanges and mutual-learning over clash of civilizations, and an emphasis on ecological conservation for our mother earth, creating a new paradigmin the theories of international relations.

    Building a global community of shared future represents the right direction to improve the global governance systemand international order, in response to international needs.Guided by this vision, China has provided public goods of global governance in different fields with proactive and solid actions. China has proposed and delivered on the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, pointing out the way forward for humanity from the perspectives of development, security and civilization. These initiativeshavereceived unequivocal support and warm response from over 100 countries. In health, climate change, cyber security and other areas where human society faces major challenges, China has put forward its proposals aiming at the constitution of a global community of shared future, providing Chinese wisdom and input for properly addressing global challenges and improving global governance.

    Building a global community of shared future is integral to peaceful development and win-win cooperation. The vision has been incorporated in China’s Constitution and the Constitution of the Communist Party of Chinaand has become one of the essential elements of Chinese modernization. In the course of building such a community, China’s development is part of the common development of all countries, and its future is deeply interlinked with that of humankind. With its new development, China will provide new opportunities to the world, and inject fresh impetus and make greater contribution to peace and development of humankind.

    At present, the changes of the world, the movement of the times, and the evolution of history are unfolding unprecedentedly. The historic trend for peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit proves to be irresistible, boding a bright future for humanity,while the world is beset by multiple crises and challenges, with intensifyinggeopolitical competition, resurgingCold War mentality, hegemonic, abusive and aggressive actions causing greater harm, and arising non-traditional security challenges. Atthe crossroads of history, the vision of building a global community of shared future, becoming a banner that charts the course of the times and promotes human progress, has been highly commended and warmly received by the international community.From a solo performance to a symphony played by all, it has crossed multiple milestones and repeatedly proved to be essential, urgent and advanced by both the facts of history and the reality of today.

    As an ancient Chinese saying goes, All good principles should adapt to changing times to remain relevant. In this momentous new era, all countries need to unite in pursuing the cause of common good to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, common security, and common prosperity. China stands ready to enhance its solidarity and cooperation with Cameroon and other countries in the world, hold high the banner of building a global community of shared future, strive to keep the wheels of history rolling towards brightness, and jointly usher in a brighter future for humankind.

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